If you are looking for ways to get involved with your community and help enrich the lives of those we serve, click below for a list of opportunities available to our volunteers.

What is Hospice?

Hospice is not a place; it is a concept of care. Hospice is about caring when cure is not possible. Hospice is about maximizing the quality of life during the last stages and is provided as a complement to professional medical care.

Our Vision

Every life lived to the fullest.

Our Values:

Respect – we support others honestly, openly and fairly.

Compassion – we listen and serve with sensitivity, empathy and concern.

Excellence – we commit to everyday improvement in all that we do.

Our Mission

We help people live in their homes and communities by delivering the caring support that they and their families need. 


Accreditation Canada is an independent, not-for-profit organization that consults with experts to develop health care standards based on best practices. They accredit a wide range of health care and social services providers, including hospitals, nursing homes, long-term care facilities, clinics, and community health programs. Accreditation Canada has been helping providers improve health care quality and safety for more than 55 years.

VON Durham Hospice Services

1615 Dundas Street East, Lang Tower West Building, Whitby, ON L1N 2L1

T: 905-240-4522 | Toll Free: 1-877-668-9414 | Fax: 905-240-4533


VON Durham Hospice Services serves all of the residents of Durham Region with respect and dignity.  We respectfully acknowledge that the land on which we serve and operate on is the traditional territory of the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation, which is home to many First Nation, Inuit, and Métis People. We are a team that is committed to learning, understanding, and acknowledging the colonialist history faced by Indigenous peoples and the impact this history has today. We aim to provide culturally safe and anti-bias approaches to hospice palliative care across our team’s disciplines.

© 2019 Victorian Order of Nurses for Canada, Ontario Branch - Durham Site

Charitable Number: 119 284 453 RR0001